LAST weekend more than one hundred Yorkshire-built historic Jowett vehicles met in the York area for our Jowetts in Jorvik event.

On behalf of the organisers, I would like to express thanks to the York Tourist Board (Kate McMullen), City of York Council leisure services (Liz Topi) and highways authority (Ian Symonds) for their enthusiastic help and support.

We also thank the Hovingham and the Castle Howard estates, who hosted us on the Saturday.

Our use of the Eye of York on Sunday was a fitting example of how valuable this area can be for the holding of public events, in a city whose centre has quite limited facilities for such activities.

Even the controversial tree came in handy by providing some useful shade from the sun. Long may it survive.

Geoff McAuley,

Jowett Car Club,

Galtres Avenue, York.

Updated: 10:37 Wednesday, June 09, 2004