IN response to your Diary ('The new BBC - Beeb's Bootham Crescent' June 14), I wish to clarify the BBC's position.

The relationship we have with York City FC as their official media partner in no way guarantees the BBC exclusivity on news stories.

The club is free to work with other media organisations as and when it likes and the Evening Press was briefed on the plans to sell Bootham Crescent.

It is entirely in line with our public service remit that we should be following the fortunes of York City at such an important time in its history.

The documentary we are planning, contrary to your piece, is not part of our media partnership, it is the result of the excellent working relationship we have built with the club.

Tamsin O'Brien,

Head of regional and local programmes, BBC Yorkshire,

Broadcasting Centre,

Woodhouse Lane,


Updated: 11:46 Wednesday, June 16, 2004