I WAS horrified to hear the powers-that-be were going to close Walmgate Bar because of a few bad drivers (June 3).

Other areas need looking at rather than Walmgate Bar.

At the waiting area for turning into the York Hospital drivers get into the middle of the road even before they reach the traffic lights, resulting in cars overtaking at the traffic lights and being parked in the middle of the road on the chevrons.

I have seen some drivers nearly knock pedestrians down while on the crossing because they cannot see the lights. The police go by without stopping this dangerous driving.

Worst of all is the roundabout at Tesco, Clifton Moor. People drive up to the roundabout, get in the middle lane, which is supposed to be for the cinema, and go down the right hand side of the Flying Legends pub.

I drive a three-tonne vehicle and every time I get in the right lane I always get a driver who will try to "cut me up".

Michael Reeson,

Barbers Drive,

Copmanthorpe, York.

Updated: 11:44 Wednesday, June 16, 2004