I heartily endorse every word of Bill Hearld's most entertaining article on the awfulness of the modern girl ('Girls just aren't sweet any more', June 22).

It is to be regretted that so many women have, justifiably, earned themselves such a terrible reputation, at home and abroad, by being coarse, loud-mouthed, drunken and thoroughly nasty pieces of work, to say nothing of their sexual misbehaviour.

Bill points out how they can get away with physically accosting the men in ways that, if it was the other way round, would amount to sexual harassment. How unfair can you get?

It is sad that a small element of this type of female gets her sex a bad name. It is like tarring the droves of thoroughly decent, well-behaved men around as yobs because of the abysmal behaviour of an unsavoury minority at football matches.

Probably the same girls misbehave in bars and nightclubs at home and away; arriving for so-called "girlie nights out" which quickly degenerate into the thoroughly distasteful occasions that Bill describes. He is also right about bad behaviour starting during childhood, mostly the fault of a society which condones and almost encourages it.

Pregnant girls are treated as victims instead of the thoroughly promiscuous madams they are, and given free housing, furnishings and a whole bundle of benefits. No female need become pregnant these days, need she?

I certainly find women of all ages abroad better-behaved, pleasanter, kinder, gentler and far more feminine than the worst ones here and, like Bill, I speak from experience. We produce the very worst-behaved women and children, with the men not far behind. A sad, but true, picture of Britain today.

Heather Causnett,

Escrick Park Gardens,

Escrick, York.

Updated: 11:13 Friday, June 25, 2004