MORE than 100 people marched through York at the weekend to show their opposition to a war with Iraq.

In a display of solidarity with the hundreds from the city who headed to the mass demonstration in London, two groups of anti-war protesters came together in St Sampson's Square.

Shortly before the rally, about 100 people gathered in the shadow of Clifford's Tower and set off into the city.

Among them were many who would not normally take to the streets to protest, including retired teachers Dennis and Jean Clift-Hill, from York.

Mr Clift-Hill, 78, said: "I am trying to show that there is a great body of opinion in the country which does not accept the arguments that Tony Blair is making that it is appropriate to go to war."

Mrs Clift-Hill, 72, said: "We are supposed to live in a democracy, but our views, and the views of many others, are not being listened to."

First-time protester Robert Greaves, a 51-year-old process worker, of New Earswick, said: "To be sending B52 bombers over Iraq is an act against humanity. The world should be looking towards peace."

In St Sampson's Square, local campaigner Keith Davies, who organised the Clifford's Tower protest, told protesters: "We are here today to send a clear message to George Bush and Tony Blair that we do not want a war."

Anti-war protesters are planning a mass lobby of York MP Hugh Bayley on Saturday, February 22 at the TGWU offices in Nunnery Lane, York.

Updated: 10:28 Monday, February 17, 2003