Congratulations to the Evening Press for the sustained pressure on City of York Council over parking charges and yellow lines.

Keep it up! Thousands are with you. We are all fed up with hearing the feeble replies from Coun Ann Reid, City of York Council's executive member for planning and transport - her title is engraved on our minds and will, no doubt, be engraved somewhere in the records as that of the most quoted and most unpopular member of this present council.

Her latest suggestion is that the Groves Amateur Rugby League Club could have applied for frequent user passes.

These are far too expensive and would not help the visiting teams and supporters who travel from a distance.

We also hear that she does not wish to "become involved in the relative success of individual businesses" - another nonsense, as your editorial has pointed out.

Is Coun Reid beginning to run out of excuses?

The sooner she is able to give us the answer we are all waiting for, the sooner she can breathe a sigh of relief and fade into obscurity and we can all celebrate the council's return to common sense.

Jean Frost,

Elmpark, York.

Updated: 10:19 Saturday, August 28, 2004