I STRONGLY object to the closure of Bishopthorpe Road Post Office, York, (August 19) because it is the nearest one to me and I do not have a bank account.

I am registered blind so I should not feel comfortable writing cheques and it is easier for me to deal in cash.

I am 88 and my husband is 91. I am my husband's primary carer because he has suffered a series of strokes and is now housebound.

I am only able to leave the house one day a week to draw my pension and shop.

It would be extremely difficult for me to have to go into town or all the way to Micklegate to draw my pension in the time I have while my husband is in respite care.

I have no family living in York who can help me. I pride myself on trying not to be a burden to the state and maintaining mine and my husband's dignity and independence. But, closing basic services in the community will force me to rely on others instead.

My generation fought and suffered in the Second World War to give freedom to everyone and now this is being denied us because our choices are being taken away.

There is no thought, help nor consideration for the elderly.

Mrs E Blakeborough,

Address supplied.

Updated: 10:18 Wednesday, September 01, 2004