MY aunt sends me every Yorkatt & Eric cartoon published by the Evening Press.

I particularly enjoyed the one about "Who's Tessa Jowell."

I sent it, with my opinions of New Labour, to Ms Jowell's home address, to make sure she saw it.

Before she went to Athens she telephoned me to assure me we are all living in the best of all possible worlds - or words to that effect.

I hope my action does not result in the sacking of the paper's editor.

I do think it is a great pity that Burton Croft has become yet another building to be sacrificed to provide yet more cash for the already hugely rich developers, with the support of City of York Council.

I agree that it is not a beautiful building - but it is another piece of history which cannot be replaced.

If those councillors, who ought to be ashamed of themselves, destroy more of York's history city tourists will not find thousands of ugly modern flats attractive and will take their business elsewhere.

Carole Tucker,

Hillside Gardens,

Highgate, London.

Updated: 10:17 Wednesday, September 01, 2004