THANK you to the Evening Press for printing the lovely picture of my daughter Jessie in the Bank Holiday edition, following our return from Jessie's 1300 mile charity ride (Jessie's tandem triumph, August 30).

We would also like to thank the management of Monks Cross for providing the venue, champagne and banners, Minster FM for the entertainment, Company of Cyclists, and Anne Pemberton of the charity SNAPPY, for organising the surprise party. It made Jessie's 13th a birthday to remember.

Can we remind all those who have pledged sponsorship that we did it, so it's time to get your donations in.

One small point, however, for your writer. Snappy is most definitely a crocodile, not a dragon. Jess would never let a dragon on the back of the tandem.

Andy Scaife,

Suffolk House,

Lowther Terrace, York.

Updated: 11:08 Monday, September 06, 2004