IF Michael Howard expects to revive the crumbling fortunes of the Tory Party by attacking so-called political correctness (Julian Cole's column, September 2) he could at least start by checking his facts.

One of his alleged examples of PC-gone-mad was the claim that City of York Council, among others, had "banned" hot cross buns. Trouble is, it's not true.

As an education department worker I know this was no PC conspiracy, it was just that this year the school meals service happened to serve up chocolate Easter Nests instead.

Not unlike Mr Howard's shifting-sands position on the war, this smacks of desperation and cheap opportunism. Heaven knows we need an alternative to New Labour, but the Tories sure ain't it.

Ben Drake,

Danum Road,

Fulford, York.

Updated: 11:05 Monday, September 06, 2004