JUST when life was looking good - screaming kids back at school, our Olympians safely home after doing a great job in Athens, summer's finally here albeit in September - Victoria Beckham has to ruin it all by announcing she is three months pregnant.

Stop. I can't stand another six months' coverage of this silly, overrated woman's self- obsession.

First we will have the rush to the bookies to bet on whatever ridiculous name the poor little mite will have to live with; then the daily accounts of Victoria's diet, Victoria's maternity designer gear, Victoria's sulking face - you name it.

Who gives a damn? Why don't they just call the poor kid Sellotape?

After all, it will be born just to hold a rocky marriage together, won't it? Or am I a tad too cynical?

I think not.

Ella Hirst,

Coggan Close,

South Bank,


Updated: 11:08 Tuesday, September 07, 2004