A NEW campaign to boost the performance of Harrogate's owner-managed businesses is under way, with a pledge of £250,000 of support over the next five years.

The campaign is being run by independent Harrogate-based accountants and business adviser DSC, a member of the UK's largest accountancy network, the Added Value Network (AVN), the main sponsor of the £20million national campaign.

Owner-managed businesses throughout the Harrogate district are now able to register through DSC to gain access to a range of specially-tailored business support services and research.

The local campaign includes business growth services, free business improvement software, access to a library of training CDs, a video about the secrets of successful owner-managed businesses, publications and free-one-to-one business advice.

DSC partner Simon Pease, said: "Most people dream of running their own business. While owner-managed businesses play a vital role in Harrogate's economy, we do not have enough of them compared with similar areas in other countries.

"Many of those we do have are underperforming. Sales, performance and wealth creation is often well below what they should be and what their owners want them to be.

"This leads to lower wages, fewer jobs and missed opportunities leading to stress and ill-health caused by too long working hours."

The campaign aims to make Harrogate's owner-managed businesses, which include private limited companies, partnerships and self-employed enterprises, more successful and enjoyable to run.

DSC is soon to appoint a further business growth specialist to its team to help deliver the new initiative.

Updated: 11:16 Wednesday, September 08, 2004