FAR from the "slaughter of wildlife" alleged by Bob Peel (Letters, August 26) we are taking significant steps to enhance the environment on the Derwenthorpe site.

Our proposals far exceed those of housebuilders on comparable developments. Most recently, this has involved a significant redesign of the development to create an improved habitat for great crested newts - although only one of the two females that appeared on the site earlier this year can now be found.

We continue to have discussions with English Nature and the City of York ecologist and we have ambitious plans for the preservation of trees, hedges and some existing fields on the site, and on allocating and planting acres of grassland we own elsewhere for public benefit to counterbalance losses at Derwenthorpe.

We have also made it clear that there is no question of us proceeding until the Environment Agency are entirely satisfied with proposed measures to protect against flooding.

All our environmental improvement proposals - of which we are very proud - are in the public domain, available for inspection at the council office (9 St Leonard's Place) and our website will soon display the latest changes (www.jrf.org.uk).

We would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in going on our update mailing list, including those who may want to rent or buy a new home in Derwenthorpe: please forward details to the leaseholds and lettings manager at: The Garth, White Rose Avenue, New Earswick, York, North Yorkshire, YO32 4TZ.

Nigel Ingram,

Director of development and property services,

Joseph Rowntree Foundation,

The Homestead,

Water End, York.

Updated: 10:57 Thursday, September 09, 2004