A YORK-born man who emigrated to Canada in 1953 has returned home on a mission to root out the evil weed.

Retired carpenter Norman Wrigglesworth, 78, is an anti-smoking crusader.

At his home in Richmond, British Columbia, the widowed grandfather has constructed what he believes is the world's largest anti-smoking sign, on the roof of his 37ft garage.

Mr Wrigglesworth said he hoped the people of York would heed his warnings on the dangers of smoking.

"I want to rock the boat in York and make a real difference," he said.

The Second World War veteran has preached his anti-smoking gospel since giving up smoking at the age of 53.

"I've got asthma now, and I just want the whole world to know how bad smoking is for your health," said Mr Wrigglesworth.

Updated: 10:44 Monday, September 13, 2004