Wednesday, September 15, 2004

100 years ago: An undeserved stigma cast upon Malton a month ago was removed at an Urban District Council meeting. The county council had had its attention drawn to the "evils of street betting existing in the town," and it had been asked to enforce the byelaw on the subject. This notice was a veritable bolt from the blue to Malton UDC. Whatever the peccadilloes of the little training town might be, street betting was not among them. Some rather heated private discussion took place with the county council, and the subject was dropped like the proverbial hot coal.

50 years ago: A man who found a guitar and trombone in the street at Bridlington took them to the police station lost property office, where there was much puzzlement as to how somebody could lose not one, but two, musical instruments. The mystery was solved when two RAF bandsmen came forward to say they were returning home in a lorry and did not miss them until they got home. It was presumed that the instruments bounced off the lorry as it went over a railway crossing.

25 years ago: Pickering's new "tourist attraction" was a palace that must make civic dignitaries flush with pride, according to Pressman. The columnist, at least, was impressed, especially as he didn't have to spend a penny to visit this circular building in the centre of town. Not only was there no charge at Pickering's new space-age loo, but there was also no towel, no washbasin and no bar of soap. Water and soap were dispensed from a machine incorporating a sink and resembling a coffee dispenser, which also had a hot air dryer. These measures were to deter vandals, as there were less fixtures and fittings to smash in the £17,300 public convenience.

Updated: 11:10 Wednesday, September 15, 2004