I FOUND Bill Hearld's article about being active into old age amusing and thought-provoking (October 5).

I only wish I had the nerve to try some of the more hair-raising pastimes enjoyed by some of our older citizens, but am far too much of a coward and layabout!

I do, however, recognise that many "oldies" out-do younger people all the time. One reason, I believe, is that growing up in the Thirties and Forties, they are far tougher than we are, more disciplined and more able to take what life threw at them - such as the Second World War - cheerfully, too.

I read about how young people mistreat their bodies and minds now with drugs, alcohol and promiscuity and shudder to think how they will face older age when it comes.

Along with the breakdown in family life will surely come health and emotional problems. As a result, the numbers of older people will start to drop over the next 20-30 years as we run out of the grand old stalwarts who now inhabit our country, celebrating golden and diamond wedding anniversaries and showing younger people what life and love should be about.

Heather Causnett,

Escrick Park Gardens,

Escrick, York.

Updated: 09:16 Friday, October 08, 2004