IAN Drury wrongly suggested that Michael Howard stated that the Conservatives could not win the City of York seat at the next General Election (October 8).

Mr Howard merely pointed out that the Conservatives could win the election without winning York. There is a marked difference between the two.

The Conservatives are still the main opposition to Labour at Parliamentary level in York. The Liberal Democrats are not.

Prior to the last General Election the Liberal Democrats claimed they were the main opposition. They came third.

Since then York has experienced at first hand just what the Liberal Democrats are like in power. The recent fiasco over parking charges has demonstrated their arrogance and incompetence.

The Liberal Democrats' Parliamentary candidate is Andrew Waller. He is also Deputy Leader of the council and was one of the main architects behind the parking charges. He has recently suggested that residents should be fined for putting their litter out early.

The Conservative Party in York has selected an excellent, hard-working local candidate. He would make a first class MP for York.

If voters want a change of Government next year, there is no point voting Liberal Democrat. No objective pundit suggests they could form a Government. The Conservative Party is the only real alternative to Labour.

Simon Mallett,

St George's Place, York.

Updated: 09:21 Thursday, October 14, 2004