A NORTH Yorkshire MP has urged Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon to "think again" about unpopular proposals to scrap two historic Army regiments.

The Ministry of Defence proposes to merge all 19 single-regiment battalions into larger regional "super-battalions" in a bid to cut costs and boost recruitment.

The Richmond-based Green Howards and York-based Prince of Wales's Own

Regiment would probably amalgamate with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment,

which recruits in Halifax.

But John Greenway, Tory MP for Ryedale, challenged beleaguered Mr Hoon during a stormy House of Commons debate on defence.

He said: "The Green Howards have just returned from a long tour of duty in

Afghanistan and they acquitted themselves in exemplary fashion, as the Secretary of State knows. Will he think again about the proposal to

abolish one of the regiments in the King's Division?"

Mr Hoon said the MoD was determined to end "arms plotting" - the traditional practice of moving regiments around the country every two years.

He said: "What we are proposing will provide much greater stability. MPs

rightly values the local connection and our proposals will provide a much better local connection with the new, larger regiments.

"They will have to be larger, because a single battalion regiment would be fixed in a single place, without the opportunity for career development and change that a larger structure will provide.

"One of the most damaging influences on retaining troops, especially for modern families, is the practice of moving every two years. These days, wives - it is mostly wives - have jobs and children go to local schools. Families have all sorts of connections with their communities. It is incredibly damaging to retention to require families to move every two


Earlier this month, Mr Hoon told the Commons' defence select committee

that it was vital to modernise the Army, and said: "We cannot do this with single battalion regiments."

But he said the traditions, cap badges and distinctive uniforms of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment could be retained.

A final decision will be taken at the end of the year.

The Green Howard won 12 Victoria Crosses in the First World War and three in

the Second World War.

The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment was formed in York in 1958 following the amalgamation of the West Yorkshire Regiment and East Yorkshire Regiment, both established in 1685.

Updated: 08:25 Monday, October 25, 2004