THE Jordan Tourism Board has called the bus crash that killed four York pilgrims a "freak accident".

A spokesman from the board's London office said the regulations in Jordan were tough and only two tourist companies were licensed to carry overseas visitors.

He said: "I think the essence of what's happened is that it was a tragic accident in what was the main highway in Jordan.

"The roads are good quality and it was one of only two tourist companies licensed to carry overseas passengers, so the regulations are quite tight and tough in Jordan anyway.

"With that in mind, it seems to have been a freak accident.

"I should think the authorities in Jordan will be investigating."

York MP Hugh Bayley said yesterday he would be happy to raise relatives' questions about the condition of the bus with the embassy in Jordan.

A spokeswoman for the British Foreign Office said: "We are continuing to provide consular assistance for those who remain in Jordan, as well as helping to repatriate the bodies of the dead.

"We are also doing consular work with the families and those injured."

Updated: 10:17 Tuesday, November 02, 2004