YOUR report on the new traffic system at Walmgate Bar makes me wonder whether you print what the council wants you to print ("New city centre traffic system enjoys trouble-free start", November 2).

Why don't you get the opinion of people who use the system, such as bus drivers and taxi drivers, instead of someone down the road?

To say it is better than Skeldergate is no recommendation whatsoever. I am a taxi driver who uses the route twice a day taking handicapped children to school and what was once a fairly traffic jam-free area is already a disaster.

I passed the junction at lunchtime and the queue went back along Lawrence Street to the Shell garage half a mile away.

On Tuesday morning it went back as far as Tang Hall Lane. It took me 25 minutes to travel from Kwik Save to the junction.

For you to report it as "trouble-free" is as far away from the truth as you can get. If you had asked the right questions in the right places, you might have got a more accurate picture.

It will be an unmitigated disaster and all because the council wants to stop a few idiots trying to get through the bar with large vehicles. As usual the council gives no consideration to York people and scant thought to tackling a problem. This has created another traffic jam area where before there was none.

AP Chance,

Richardson Street,


Updated: 09:16 Wednesday, November 03, 2004