IN many parish churches throughout the county, Remembrance Sunday, November 14, will include a roll call of those who died in the service of their country in the two world wars.

However, in the period of nearly 60 years since the end of the Second World War, many servicemen have given their lives in one conflict or another and it would seem appropriate that their names be added to the roll call.

Perhaps your readers could give information about such persons and, if they could be identified with a particular parish, then I would be happy to see that those parish records are up-dated and for the names to be included in the roll call if the parish so agrees.

E A K Denison,

Deanery lay chairman,

Deanery of southern Ryedale,

The Old Vicarage,

Bossall, York.

Updated: 09:15 Wednesday, November 03, 2004