I HOPE MP John Grogan's efforts to bring bus operators under a better degree of local accountability succeeds (Monday, October 25).

I fully sympathise with the communities of Dunnington, Pockling-ton and all stops between being jettisoned by a bus company, obviously inconvenienced by having passengers.

In Fulford, the southbound bus stop on Main Street at the end of Fordlands Road - only recently made more user-friendly with raised pavement and bus shelter provided - is to be relocated to near the Bay Horse pub.

But the need remains for this stop, particularly for evenings and Sundays when it is the nearest for Fordlands Road. So why not an additional bus-stop? This would show that users are being considered.

City of York Council and the bus operators between them need reminding that they are in the public service business.

Alan Smith,

Fordlands Road,

Fulford, York.

Updated: 09:15 Wednesday, November 03, 2004