It was a case of keeping pictures and chips in a family for whom image is everything.

The pictures were provided by York photographer Steven Bradshaw and the chips - or rather, microchips, were handled by his younger brother, Dean, a graphic design student at York College of Technology.

The result: A brand new website for Steven, former photographer with the Evening Press who left six months ago to set up his own images business in Huntington.

The website,, was good practice for Dean who is taking his Higher National Diploma in art and design.

It features Steven's portfolio of wedding pictures, portraits and press and public relations assignments, which, he says, should give a big boost to his business.

Steven said: "For the first time everybody will be able to beam in and see the high standards I set for myself and my clients. At the same time people will be impressed with Dean's efforts. It's a good stepping stone for him ultimately to launch his own business once he gains his HND."

Updated: 09:11 Wednesday, November 03, 2004