I FELT that I had to reply to Julie Speedie's letter, "End trick or treat misery" (November 1).

Although I don't condone the behaviour of the children knocking at her door I urge her not to tar all with the same brush!

I have two children who absolutely loved the preparations - decorating the front of our house, the pumpkin and the dressing up.

After leaving my husband at home with a big tub of sweets for all the trick or treaters that would call at our house, I took my children and my niece out.

I am fortunate to live in a family-oriented community where most houses co-operated.

Just by seeing a pumpkin outside the door and all the lights on, you knew which house to knock at. The houses in darkness were to avoid.

I always accompany my children and wouldn't go to houses with elderly people or people who lived alone.

My kids thoroughly enjoyed it so it was not pointless, meaningless or humourless. I will ask Julie Speedie this: join us on Halloween next year and I will certainly prove what good harmless fun it is.

A Abbey,

Wenham Road,


Updated: 11:23 Thursday, November 04, 2004