ALTHOUGH York and North Yorkshire can boast some truly excellent businesses, I like to take the opportunity - every now and then - to look a little further afield for extra ideas and experience.

I was, therefore, delighted when my opposite number at Staffordshire Learning and Skills Council invited me and a few other colleagues to visit Kerrygold's plant in the market town of Leek.

The plant is used to prepare and pack cheese ready for distribution to supermarkets and other outlets throughout the UK.

More than 450 people work at the Leek plant and although about 50 of them have 25 or more years of service, managers are always concerned about finding ways to improve conditions for staff so that they are more likely to stay with the company as a long-term career move. Not surprisingly, long-standing arrangements provide for every new employee to go through a comprehensive induction programme covering policies and procedures, health and safety, hygiene and housekeeping.

In addition, all company employees regularly receive a newsletter. Things moved into top gear last year, when Kerrygold decided to aim for recognition as an Investor In People.

This led directly to further improvements in internal communications, with staff in all parts of the plant being given the opportunity to talk about their work and ways to make the operation flow more smoothly.

I saw at first-hand a number of the innovations introduced at the suggestion of staff on the factory floor, and saw how people were moving between tasks without waiting for instructions - teamwork was very much in evidence.

I have been a strong advocate of Investors In People for many years, but it was a real pleasure to see how much difference it had made to Kerrygold, and how we might learn from their practice in York and North Yorkshire.

For more information about how Investors In People could benefit your business, phone Business Link York and North Yorkshire on 01904 686000.

Updated: 11:21 Thursday, November 04, 2004