WE would like to say a very big thank you to PC Lee Fickling for the barbecue at our youth club Molys on November 4 (pictured above). As reported in your paper, this event was well attended and the atmosphere fantastic.

If was especially nice to have a community police officer take a positive approach to the much dreaded Mischief Night.

Dringhouses was quiet that night, so not only did local youth enjoy themselves but the wider community benefited as well.

We would also like to thank councillor Sue Sunderland for her support, Stuart Greaves on soup and Anne Greaves serving drinks, and last but by no means least Sandi our lovely caretaker who had the clearing up to do.

Same time, same place next year everyone?

Wendy Barker, Tracey Cunnington,

Senior voluntary youth workers,



Dringhouses, York.

Updated: 09:51 Wednesday, November 10, 2004