SCHOOLS, colleges and businesses in York and North Yorkshire will be joining in the first Enterprise Week.

Running next week, from November 15 to 21, Enterprise Week aims to demonstrate to the community how crucial it is to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit within schools and colleges, providing young people with the skills they need to succeed in life and to ensure local businesses can access staff with the right skills.

Howard Davies, the former chairman of the Financial Services Authority, conducted a study into enterprise in education in 2002 and concluded that only 30 per cent of pupils gained experience of enterprise before leaving school, preventing them from integrating easily into the world of work.

Enterprise Week is part of a year-round focus on making enterprise integral to the school curriculum. The Learning and Skills Council's four regional offices -Humberside, North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire - are working closely with other organisations across the region to promote enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Updated: 09:24 Wednesday, November 10, 2004