The clocks have gone back, summer is over and many of us are dusting off our electric blankets ready for the long cold nights.

While electric blankets can make our beds very inviting, Trading Standards officers are also warning that they also have the potential to be dangerous.

Electric blankets are thought to be the cause of some 5,000 fires a year and Trading Standards are advising residents to ask the following questions before switching them on this winter.

How old is the blanket? Many blankets over ten years old do not have safety 'cut out' devices designed to switch off the blanket if starts overheating.

How has the blanket been stored over winter? If blankets have been folded or rolled, internal wires and connections may have been damaged. Storing heavy objects on top of blankets also has the potential to damage them.

Are there any signs of damage? If ties are missing, the blanket may not fit securely on the bed and could reduce its life. More obvious danger signs are scorch marks on the fabric.

If you are in any doubt about the safety of your electric blanket the best advice is to have it checked by an expert.

Between November 15 and 19, Trading Standards are offering residents the opportunity to have their blankets checked for free at a various venues across the city.

At a similar event last year, more than half the blankets failed the tests applied. An appointment for testing and information about the venues can be made by telephoning Trading Standards on 01904 551569.

For further information on this or any other consumer matter phone Consumer Direct on 08454 040506 or from there make an appointment to see an adviser.

You can also visit our website at

Updated: 09:19 Thursday, November 11, 2004