HEALTH chiefs have vowed to improve a ward that has been dubbed a "blot" on the reputation of York Hospital.

The hospital's Medical Admissions Unit is being rebuilt and refurbished after it was almost entirely destroyed by fire in September.

Former patient Rosemary Koch, of Canada, contacted the Evening Press to express her "horror" at her experience of the ward prior to the blaze.

York Hospitals NHS Trust admitted some shortcomings there were no longer tolerable, and it had taken steps to improve standards.

Mrs Koch, who was charged £13,514 for her treatment, said she was horrified about the "crowded and dirty" conditions and being "penned" in the same room as male patients.

She said overseas visitors would expect more for their money, and called on the trust to bring the ward up to standard.

She said: "This ward, in particular, seemed crowded and dirty.

"Fortunately, I had a bed by the window.

"But in the summer heat, imprisoned behind their curtains, other patients found the atmosphere dark and fetid.

"The floors and walls seemed in need of a good scrub, and the bathroom and toilet looked stained and dirty.

"Surely, York can do better than this."

The new ward will be built to modern NHS standards, with more single rooms and no mixed sex areas.

The trust has appointed a deputy director of nursing with responsibility for the cleanliness and environment of the hospital, a modern matron in medicine with responsibility for driving up standards of cleaning and more ward housekeepers.

Alistair Turnbull, clinical director, said: "Clinically, we are very proud of the service we provide to our patients.

"But, we know there are areas where we fall short of an acceptable standard, especially in the hospital's environment. We are absolutely committed to ensuring tangible and sustainable improvements, especially in acute medicine."

A spokeswoman for York Hospitals NHS Trust said: "We like to feel that we operate an open and honest culture here at the trust, and would encourage anyone to contact us with their comments or concerns."

Updated: 10:14 Thursday, November 11, 2004