REACHING old age and infirmity I found myself housebound with my zimmer frame, depending on good friends to purchase my needs.

Always having been independent, this caused me great despair at times.

I then gained a new lease of life, buying an electric scooter my life was transformed.

Up and round the market and in and out of those helpful shops where I was able to enter and shop like the able-bodied could.

But there was a downside. While I realise it pays to advertise, shop pavement boards proved to be a source of hindrance, mainly in Walmgate. Could not another way be found, maybe on the wall, at an angle?

Closer to home I have found yellow hatching lines near my dropped curb blocked by cars in a most selfish way. It states "Keep Clear", but often it is ignored. It is a right of way.

Mrs M E Young,

Thames House,

Albert Street,

Walmgate, York.

Updated: 09:35 Thursday, November 11, 2004