YOUR coverage of the decision by Labour councillors to absent themselves from much of the last local council meeting failed to stress the constitutional implications of this blunder (November 10).

The move left many residents unrepresented in the chamber while important issues were considered, concerning housing, parking, planning performance, tree conservation, ResPark charges, benefit claim performance, bed blocking, flooding and leisure.

Much of the news given to the council highlighted successful initiatives in the city - news which might be expected to embarrass Labour - but this was not an excuse for them to leave wards such as Micklegate, Acomb, Hull Road, Heworth and Clifton without any representation.

In order to fill the democratic deficit which has arisen from this stunt, we have arranged for the results of the discussions to be made available on our web site

The council will now have to decide whether Labour should continue to be recognised as the official opposition or whether this title should pass to the tiny Green group.

Coun Steve Galloway,

Leader, City of York Council,

The Guildhall, York.

Updated: 08:45 Saturday, November 13, 2004