THE rumours had been around for sometime but now the truth can be told. Yes, Christmas is here once more.

The festive season officially arrived in York at the weekend as those buying presents and seeking a bargain arrived by car, coach and train.

Shoppers thronged the centre of York, attracted to the city by a combination of factors. The annual St Nicholas Fayre clearly played a big part, drawing in visitors who wanted to be able to buy the more individually crafted sort of gift, or who wished to stock up on food from local producers.

As well as the popular Christmas market, York has many interesting shops alongside those to be found in high streets everywhere. The combination of the familiar chains with individual department stores and the one-off shops makes York an attractive place for visitors.

This is also a city with a long history and the buildings to match that proud heritage, so York past and present has much to offer the visitor and shopper.

There had been fears that, nationally, Christmas was getting off to a sluggish start, with certain chains resorting to early sales in an effort to stimulate sales. There was little sign of such reticence in York on Saturday, which was heaving with shoppers and visitors. At times it was barely possible to move, let alone shop.

This boom in visitors is great news for York's traders, publicans, caf owners and restaurateurs, who are sure to have had a profitable weekend.

Updated: 11:34 Monday, November 29, 2004