I READ Mike Laycock's article about the decontamination of the former gas works site in Heworth Green with interest and bemusement (November 25).

I fail to see why this council persists with the charade of consultation and planning meetings when it clearly has no intention of controlling the development of this site.

Were the council to act in support of the concerned residents, it would set a precedent which would then endanger the whole of the Government's brownfield development plans.

I have every sympathy for the Robinsons and their neighbours. Their lives and health are being blighted by the greed of those who would clear this site as cheaply as possible regardless of the environmental implications, and by the Janus-faced politicians who fail to prevent this.

I suspect that the "obnoxious odours" described by Mr Robinson aren't just from the gas works. The whole thing reeks.

Karen Sanderson,

Bow Lea,

North Lane,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 11:25 Monday, November 29, 2004