ON reading Mike Bentley's article entitled 'We can't all be Posh and Becks' (Saturday, November 27) I found some of his comments offensive.

Many teenagers I know are hardworking.

We are working to our potential with a variety of ambitions; not, as Mike Bentley thinks, aspiring pop singers, models, etc.

Most teenagers realise the importance of working hard to achieve their dreams.

We put the effort in and don't expect to get somewhere by doing nothing.

I found Mike Bentley's comments patronising.

He unfairly categorised teenagers, yet if he had done his research properly he would have found different.

You can't generalise about any age group, but teenagers always seem to get the bad press.

Chloe Browne (teenager),

Brentwood Crescent,

Badger Hill,


Updated: 09:52 Thursday, December 02, 2004