YKSoul would like to thank all those who attended the charity soul night at St John's York on Saturday, November 27.

This event, with all proceeds going to the Cystic Fibrosis charity, raised over £2,000. A fantastic night of soul music was enjoyed by all and our only regret was that many were disappointed by not being able to get tickets, as the event sold out many weeks beforehand.

Unfortunately, the next YKSoul charity event (jointly promoted with the 99 Soul Club, Scarborough) at the Royal York Hotel in January is also sold out. However, tickets will be on sale shortly for our most ambitious event to date, at the Moat House Hotel next July .

This will be a three-room session from 2pm to midnight, with soul music from 25 top DJs, including those from the legendary Wigan Casino.

Sponsored by the Moat House Hotel, all proceeds will be going to DebRA UK charity with all involved giving their services and goods free of charge.

Andy Bellwood, Steve Bradley, Nick Beilby (YKSoul),

Bilbrough, York.

Updated: 08:50 Thursday, December 02, 2004