In case the Government's lifting of the ban on the sale of cattle over 30 months old causes too much complacency, let us just remind ourselves of a few of the things we have learned about BSE/CJD recently.

Firstly, a young Irish man was diagnosed with vCJD just a few weeks ago and the likeliest cause of his illness was eating infected beef.

Secondly, scientists now believe that BSE may be related to more than one form of CJD.

Thirdly, BSE is still detected in hundreds of cattle in the UK each year.

Fourthly, in sheep, prions like those which cause BSE/CJD have been found in muscle tissue - not just nervous tissue of the kind that is now removed in abattoirs - and it is possible that the same thing may occur in cattle.

Fifthly, this year, hundreds of British cattle have slipped through the BSE-testing net and entered the human food chain.

Finally, 24 countries have admitted that their cattle herds harbour BSE and scientists fear that many more may have failed to detect it or be unwilling to admit to the disease because of the economic consequences.

BSE is not yesterday's news and anyone who relies on governments to guarantee the safety of what they eat simply hasn't been paying attention..

Alistair Currie,

Senior Campaigner,


York Court,

Wilder St,


Updated: 10:46 Friday, December 03, 2004