AT last someone has said what we've all been thinking. York MP Hugh Bayley "sounds like a good candidate for future PM".

These words are lent even greater credibility by the fact they were penned by that intellectual powerhouse, Sun columnist Jane Moore.

Ms Moore has taken a sudden shine to Hugh, thanks to his comments regarding Vikki Ledger. We revealed on Monday that York megamum Vikki has six children with another two on the way.

Yet despite her sterling one-woman attempts to solve the population crisis, she has yet to convince City of York Council to house her in more spacious accommodation. And she doesn't even expect "a big posh house in the countryside".

Mr Bayley was as stern as a Victorian schoolmaster. He told Vikki: "You decided to have a large family and you have a responsibility to support your children. You cannot simply assume the council, or anyone else, will provide for you."

These were the words that converted Ms Moore into a Hugh groupie. He is "extraordinarily sensible and wise" she wrote yesterday.

This can only be the start of a concerted campaign to make Hugh Bayley Prime Minister. True, Ms Moore is on first name terms with the current inhabitant of 10 Downing Street. And her literary ability has been questioned - her latest novel, Dot.Homme was described by a rival national as "Deirdre's photo casebook without the photos".

But someone has to get the bandwagon started. We are sure that others will be leaping aboard imminently.

BEFORE installing Mr B as the next PM, there is the little matter of a General Election to get through.

Tory candidate Clive Booth began campaigning some time ago. His latest attack concerns Hugh's "on-message" web page. Among other boasts, this chronicles work done to secure a future for basking sharks.

"Except there are no basking sharks in York," Clive points out. "None. But, if Labour say there are, then perhaps there must be."

OUR attention was drawn to a poster for the True Colour Tattoo & Piercing Studio based in Clarence Street, York.

This boasts that those with a penchant for body art can order their "own desgin" before having their parts pierced "in a sterile controled studio".

We only hope the tattooist's spelling improves when he picks up the needle.

Updated: 11:26 Thursday, December 09, 2004