AFTER reading Mike Key's letter (December 16), I must make a few points.

As a cat owner (two actually, shock, horror), I regularly feed the wild birds in my garden.

Although my cats do catch birds, they are few and far between. Cats mostly don't kill for food they kill for fun. It is a natural thing for them to do and is something you can't stop. Believe me, I have tried.

As for not allowing cats to be a nuisance to neighbours, well, I've tried to tell them but they just ignore me.

I agree that cats do make mess in flower beds but they are attracted to fresh dug earth and they think you have made if for them.

As for a humane way to stop the "wretched moggie", did you not know that all good pet shops sell cat repellent?

Miss W Hartley,

Tudor Road,

Acomb, York.

Updated: 11:17 Tuesday, December 21, 2004