YORK'S "highway robbery" has claimed another victim - months after the controversial evening parking charges were reined in.

A leading slimming organisation is leaving its York City centre base this Christmas, saying the move was prompted by the high charges in force through the summer.

WeightWatchers organiser Gail Colbeck said slimmers had been attending meetings at rented accommodation in Clifford Street for more than 20 years. But the introduction of evening parking charges in nearby Clifford's Tower car park in the spring meant the cost per evening almost doubled for members. She said people were having to pay £3 or £4 for parking on top of the normal £5 for attending the class.

Now the evening class will be held at York City Football Club in Bootham Crescent, where members can park for free. She said daytime classes would continue to be held at different locations in York, a couple at the Friends' Meeting House in Friargate and a couple at St Olave's Church in Marygate.

Charges were reduced this autumn to £2 for an evening's parking, with residents paying £1, but Gail said that by the time the reduction came in, plans to leave Clifford Street were in place.

Updated: 10:05 Wednesday, December 22, 2004