IF someone were to create the ultimate soundtrack to your most strange and sinister nightmares, this album would be it.

Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster (or EMBLM for short) have always been a bit odd, but their gothabilly sound has mutated into an inaccessible horror pantomime, with chainsaw guitars and voices of death.

Puppy Dog Snails see the band parading a liberal interpretation of what "in tune" means while the "trash-lite" drone of Migrate Migrane, which does the opposite of what it says on the tin. Thankfully, punky Rise Of The Eagles and silent film-type soundtrack I Could Be An Angle save the album from a grisly death. Die-hard fans will no doubt love this warped record, but The Royal Society will not win the band any converts.

Updated: 09:01 Thursday, January 06, 2005