SO the council is hoping to stop the provision of free bin bags to homes without wheelie bins to save a massive £28,000 a year (January 13).

What can £28,000 buy?

A middle of the range executive car (the city council may have several of these)

Less then half of the cost of a middle manager's salary - I'm sure the council has plenty of these and some spare

One or two consultation exercises to give you the answer to a question you already know.

This £28,000 is nothing compared with the savings the council should be looking for.

Maybe it could think outside of the box a little. It could get a company to sponsor the bags and halve the cost.

With York being so hard up anything must be worth investigating; but please spare us an expensive consultation.

Clive Appleyard,

Westminster Road, York.

Updated: 10:51 Wednesday, January 19, 2005