I SUGGEST that those who have to make planning decisions about the Escrick wind farm take a visit to Danby Beacon. Having looked out at that wonderful viewpoint for over 30 years I recently discovered that in fact it had at one time been the home of a wartime radar station.

If you climb up there and look carefully you can just make out the concrete bases.

And that's all. No gas-impregnated earth (as at the York gasworks site), no nuclear waste, no coal slurry heaps - just a bit of concrete that is fast disintegrating.

If anyone else wanted to use the land the concrete could be broken up and used elsewhere (as are the runways from Acaster airfield).

So be brave - put up the wind farm, and if it doesn't do exactly what it says on the packet, let it be taken down again - end of story.

Romy Dunn,

Acaster Lane,



Updated: 11:09 Monday, January 24, 2005