PUPILS, staff and governors at a York secondary school are celebrating after getting an outstanding Ofsted report.

The Education Standards team visited All Saints' RC School in November and inspectors reported the standard of "teaching and learning are truly excellent".

The inspection team found the improvement since the last inspection in 1999 was very good.

They were particularly impressed with the quality of relationships in the school, which is split over two sites, in Nunnery Lane and Mill Mount, and the quality of teaching and learning at all key stages, stating "in over ten years of inspecting schools, this is the best profile of lesson observations I have seen".

Head teacher Bill Scriven said: "This is a fantastic endorsement of all the hard work, care, talent and commitment shown by all the staff and students over many years at All Saints'.

"Visitors always comment on the special warm and welcoming ethos of our school.

"We believe that relationships are the basis for high quality teaching and learning.

"For our school to be described as being excellent in these areas is particularly pleasing."

Joe Campbell has been chairman of governors at the school for the past five years and a governor for 12 years. He paid tribute to Mr Scriven and the school's previous head teacher, Dr Adrian Elliott.

He said: "All the governors and staff are absolutely thrilled with the report.

"It's been the result of a lot of hard work over a number of years.

"We have always believed we are a good school and we have always worked hard to maintain ourselves at that level.

"It is due in part to fantastic parents and pupil support and the hard work of Mr Scriven and Dr Elliott."

Updated: 12:03 Tuesday, January 25, 2005