Greil Sharkey is a failed guitarist turned unsuccessful freelance journalist, with an expensive lifestyle due to a coke and gambling habit.

On top of this, he owes a grand to a thug with a fondness for torture by toasters.

Heidi Charlton is a beautiful lapdancer at the All Fur Coat club with ambitions to be a model and will do whatever it takes to get what she wants - including sleeping with the boss, an ex-footballer.

Simon is an artist obsessed with an actress displayed on posters on the London Underground, who picks off the pieces of chewing gum placed on her image by passers-by in an attempt to keep her pure and perfect.

The lives of the three characters become dangerously intertwined, culminating in an edge-of-your-seat climax.

A compelling read.

Updated: 08:52 Saturday, February 19, 2005