YOUR country walk brought back some memories (Life & Times, February 12).

Shortly after the war, a friend and I cycled to Helmsley, and decided to walk the monks' path, as it was known then, to Rievaulx Abbey. I had walked it on previous occasions; it started in those days near the castle.

On starting our walk to the abbey, we were stopped by a man who was sitting on a stile. Across his knee was a gun, I think it was crocked, if my memory serves me 50 years on.

He asked us where we were going, we told him we were going to Rievaulx Abbey, and he told us it was now closed as a right of way. My friend and I went along to the local police office but got no help from the law.

It was some years after that a new path was made to this monument by an Act of Parliament. I am interested to know whether this route from Rievaulx to old Byland is the one.

Mr R Shoebridge,

Hornsey Garth,

Wigginton, York.

Updated: 11:34 Saturday, February 19, 2005