I FOUND the letter from Charlie Croft regarding the proposed wheel rather intriguing (February 17).

He states that "a planning application has been lodged by World Tourist Attractions Ltd to bring the wheel to Tower Gardens. This is completely independent of the council".

But he goes on to say that "as the landlord and planning authority, the council's planning committee will look at all the information available when making its decision".

Surely, as the council owns the land, the wheel cannot be put up without their say-so anyway, regardless of planning permission.

Therefore, if they have agreed to the planning application going in, then how can they make any claim of objectivity when it comes to considering the planning application?

It sounds all too much like Derwenthorpe, with the council using its powers as landowner and granter of planning permission to try to force through highly unpopular schemes.

David Bryant,

Yarburgh Way, York.

Updated: 11:33 Saturday, February 19, 2005