There's excellent news for single travellers, as Travelscope Promotions launches its new product entitled "Just Friends" featuring everything from UK breaks and European river cruises to fantastic ocean cruising and far away places.

They are all designed for single passengers and that means no single supplement.

All prices are based on sole occupancy of a room or cabin with en suite private facilities.

Just Friends holidays have been designed to cater for a range of tastes, needs and ages, attracting people from all walks of life. After carefully studying customer feedback and as a result of frequent requests from their valued clientele, Travelscope has tailored its portfolio to create a range of holidays specifically for the single traveller.

Travelscope is proud of its new product and says: "All Just Friends travellers definitely have one thing in common, the desire to enjoy a fun, relaxed holiday with fellow like-minded single travellers.

"As well as a carefully planned holiday itinerary, our Just Friends holidays also include a number of specially-arranged events designed to help you to get to know your fellow travellers.

"These range from a fun cocktail party on arrival to a welcome dinner followed by live entertainment."

All of the UK, European and river cruise holidays include accommodation on a half or full-board basis, so there is no need to worry about eating alone or finding a suitable place to dine.

All ocean cruises are full board and include breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and midnight snacks.

For those people who would prefer to travel with other single friends or family members, Travelscope does on occasion offer the opportunity to share a twin room.

Choose from a four-star party weekend black tie bash, a Devonshire delights house party weekend, a Chateau house party, four-star Paris and Seine river cruise, a Grand European voyage, Amsterdam party cruise, a Rhine cruise to Rudesheim, Vancouver, Banff and the Rockies, New York, New England in the Fall, West Coast USA and Las Vegas, Summer Sunshine Cruise, Madeira and The Canary Islands Cruise, Caribbean Winter Sunshine Cruise or Christmas markets party cruise.

What are you waiting for? Telephone now for your copy of Just Friends on 01904 567124, pick up a brochure from our Walmgate office or ring and speak to me on 01904 567123 to find out more information.

Updated: 11:15 Saturday, February 19, 2005