A STALWART worker from East Yorkshire is going nutty over retirement.

Sheila Triffit, 59, is enjoying a rest after nearly two decades with Pocklington-based fruit and nut specialists Sundora Foods.

She joined the firm in 1986, giving 19 years unbroken service as a skilled production operative in the nut processing room.

She is using her new-found freedom to spend more time with her daughter, Jerry, another Sundora employee, who is currently on maternity leave following the birth of a baby girl in October.

"I've some happy memories from my time at Sundora," said Sheila, who lives near Yapham.

"It feels strange no longer being there, but I'll keep in touch with my friends and former colleagues.

"It looks like my new grand-daughter will be keeping me busy. I wasn't able to spend as much time as I would have liked with my other grand-children because of work, so it will be nice to do so no now."

Brian Young, chief executive of Sundora, said: "Sheila has proved a tremendous asset to Sundora Foods over the years. I wish her a long and satisfying retirement."

Updated: 10:43 Wednesday, February 23, 2005