YORK has two days to save Clifton footpath.

The path runs through the grounds of York's second oldest school, St Peter's.

The school has persuaded the police and City of York Council to support its demand that the right of way be closed to the public.

If no one objects, the path will be "extinguished" and an ancient thoroughfare lost forever.

That would be a great shame, particularly because it existed long before St Peter's moved to Clifton.

The school wants the path closed after the police recorded dozens of crimes in its grounds.

But campaigners believe St Peter's could have done more to improve the path's security, and claim it is a "land grab" by a private firm from the people of York.

Anyone wanting to protest can get detailed advice on how to do so from a website: www.yorkstories.co.uk/cliftonpath.

But hurry: your email or letter must reach the council by Friday.

NOW here's a souvenir worth having - a piece of Selby Abbey's roof.

Peggy Williams, 87, of Tang Hall, York, rang to say: "I've got a coin which was cast from the lead of Selby Abbey."

Mrs Williams got in touch after Monday's Yesterday Once More history feature focused on the abbey.

Her coin is made from lead which melted during the 1906 fire which nearly destroyed the great landmark.

An inscription says the coin celebrates the "reopening of the nave".

It may well have been minted as a money-raising venture for the abbey restoration appeal.

If anyone can shed any more light, we should love to hear from you.

NO fewer than four Elvises are lined up to entertain York and raise some cash for charity on Thursday.

Jim Santana and Paul Bulmer, both UK Elvis Grand Finalists, Jay Ashton and, of course, Loony Eddie Vee will be hoping to get through more than 60 Presley songs on the night.

The gig takes place at the Clarence Working Men's Club. It is to help Margaret Sharkie raise £1,000 for Action Research UK.

There will also be a special appearance by ten-year-old Jo, who won the North Eastern Dancing Finals in Grimsby. The show starts at 7.30pm and finishes at midnight.

Tickets cost £5 and can be ordered from the club or from Linda Schumacker on York 636250.

THE day after we reported how David Honan was arrested in York for driving an imaginary car, the story was featured on the front page of respected national organ the Sun.

Our correspondents have already had their say on events.

And yesterday, the Sun published a selection of its readers' letters in response to David's brief incarceration.

Jane Mason, of Wigan, fumes: "What is it they lack in York? Real criminals or police who can get their priorities right? I know which my money's on."

But the Diary's favourite came from Tom Atkinson of Scarborough, who wrote: "If a man can get banged up for impersonating a racing driver then surely it won't be long before David Coulthard is nicked."

Updated: 10:18 Wednesday, February 23, 2005