WHY are the head teacher of Bootham School and 62 petition-signers getting their knickers in a twist over the sex shop moving from the upstairs of a building to the downstairs of the same building (March 2)?

It is a shop which sells items and objects to do with sex. So what?

We are all products of sex, so where is the problem?

The people who have objected should stroll through London's Soho: big neon signs flashing, girls offering peep shows, lap dancing and open invitations to indulge in prostitution.

The sex shops are so blatant everyone can see inside. As pointed out in the article, the existing sex shop has experienced no problems. The new shop would no doubt be the same. The only problems are those prudes who oppose it.

PR Willey,

Burnholme Drive,



Updated: 09:27 Saturday, March 05, 2005